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Role: PhD research
Region: Europe
Year: 2021-2024
Client: University of Padova
Role: Team Leader
Region: Africa, Central America (Caribbean), Pacific (Asia)
Year: 2020-2021
Client: FAO
Economic, social and environmental analysis, action plan and investment plan for the development of two value-chains in two ACP Countries (ref. FISH4ACP project).
Role: RIS3 monitoring system researcher
Region: Italy
Year: 2021
Client: University of Padova
Role: Lecturer
Region: Italy
Year: 2014-2019
Client: University of Padua
Lecturer in intercultural management in business at six editions of the Master in International Business for SMEs of the Department of Management and Economics of the University of Padua.
Role: Team Leader
Region: MENA (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia)
Year: 2018-2019
Client: UNIDO
Team Leader of a team of seven National Experts in regional gender-sensitive value-chain mapping in seven countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia in the framework of the project “Promoting Women’s Empowerment (PWE) for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the MENA Region” (phase II).
Role: FDI and domestic investment promotion expert
Region: Italy (Trieste)
Year: 2018-2019
Client: Area Science Park
The goal of ARGO, a multi-year programme, financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministry of Economic Development and the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia, is to build an open and inclusive innovation system that incorporates research and industry and brings economic development by coordinating the local high-tech R&D system with digitalization and high-end training in order to optimize resource use and attract domestic and foreign direct investments in new strategic projects based on a clear industrial development strategy. The programme has four components: Industrial innovation Harbour (port and industrial zone); High Impact Net (technopark, incubators and accelerators); Industry platform for digitalization (big data, IoT, advanced manufacturing solutions, data optimization and simulation); Technology platforms for applied and industrial research [open source description].
In the Industrial Innovation Harbour component, as a Consultant, my responsibilities include: 1) contributing models for the strategic planning of an Industrial Innovation Harbour including investments and based on the circular economy logic; 2) drafting the organizational model for and training personnel of a One Stop Shop to target and cater domestic or foreign direct investments.
Role: Monitor
Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (Senegal, Ethiopia, Sudan)
Year: 2018-2019
Client: invitalia
Operational monitoring on different projects financed by the Italian Government in migration -origin or -transit countries aimed at enhancing livelihood through entrepreneurship or employment generation, strengthening of civil status and registry systems, establishment or strengthening of protection systems for unaccompanied minors.
Role: Team Leader, PSD Policy Expert and Feasibility Study Expert
Region: South East Asia (Vietnam)
Year: 2017-2018
Client: UNIDO (SECO financing)
Coordination of a through study on the feasibility of a household business registration reform.
Role: Technical Evaluator
Region: Europe (Italy)
Year: 2017-2018
Client: Invitalia
Technical assessment of investment proposals.
Role: Rural Market Analyst
Region: Western Asia (Turkey)
Year: 2017
Client: IFAD
A market study was prepared on mountainous product value-chains in the framework of the design and formulation of a new project (Uplands Rural Development Project) aimed at retaining youth on mountainous areas. Together with conventional market study elements such as market channels, tradeable volumes and proposing a marketing strategy and responsibilities, the work encompassed a risk-assessment on typical smallholder mountainous produce based on historical demand-price curves by priority local commodity, a through analysis of organic agriculture potential and of applicability of quality certifications and branding.
Role: Research Assistant
Region: Europe (Denmark)
Years: 2012-2017
Client: Technical University of Denmark DTU (financed by European Commission FP7, Danish Innovation Fund)
In the framework of three research contracts, industrial metrology research was carried out at the Mechanical Engineering Department controlled condition laboratories aimed at large-size wind energy system drive- train component development in the “Drive Train Project” financed by Danish government and the “Traceable measurement of drivetrain components for renewable energy - ENG56” financed by the European Commission (FP7). Such research work encompassed planning, laboratory implementation, analysis and no. 3 peer-reviewed publications. Support was also given in drafting a Horizon 2020 proposal.
Role: PSD Policy Expert
Region: South East Asia (Vietnam)
Year: 2016
Client: Chemonics International (USAID financing)
In the framework of USAID Governance for Inclusive Growth, advice was provided on different regulatory topics requested by the Agency for Enterprise Development in charge of drafting the first national SME law, in particular on: the rationale for SME support and for an SME law; institutional coordination, monitoring; comparative analysis of different SME support models; industry and measure prioritization aimed at increasing economy competitiveness.
Role: PSD Expert
Region: Middle East
Year: 2016
Client: Icon Institut (AFD)
In the framework of the Private Sector Development Cluster Project (PSDCP) financed by the Agence Française de Développement, the draft national cluster policy was assessed against state-of-the-art cluster policy international cases and benchmarking systems, considering the local context. Together with such analysis, further technical assistance was provided to assess public-private dialogue mechanisms, to expand range of Customs and VAT handling in export, and in capitalizing the five-year cluster project knowledge.
Role: SME Internationalization Expert
Region: Europe (Italy)
Year: 2016
Client: Invitalia (financed by the European Commission)
different studies were carried out to provide technical assistance to a central institution and four regional governments to enhance private sector internationalization through their Research and Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3) in the framework of the National Governance Programme for the Public Administration Reform and Administration financed by ERDF. Analysis was carried out on identifying value-added products and prioritizing high-potential markets.
Role: PSD Policy and Feasibility Study Expert
Region: South East Asia (Vietnam)
Year: 2015
Client: Asian Development Bank
The ADB requested a through assessment of the potential for a national SME agglomeration policy (Corporate Synergy Systems) aimed at increasing inclusion of national SMEs in international value-chains and economy competitiveness through joint investments and collaboration with large enterprises. The assessment included regulatory framework, road map of achievements, comparative analysis of potential in 10 industries against different indicators, industry prioritization based on Input-Output national accounting tables forward- / backward-linkage industry assessment, involvement of national research centers, and benchmarking with international experiences. The assessment was completed with planning and budgeting.
Role: Agricultural Marketing Expert
Region: South Asia (Bangladesh)
Year: 2014
Client: IFAD
Value-chain development and marketing Team Member in a Team constituted by local government, IFAD, World Bank, IFC and USAID members, took part in identification, preparation and pre-appraisal missions for the design of the National Agricultural Technology Project 2 (World Bank code P149553) with a budget exceeding USD 200 millions.
Role: Value-chain development expert
Region: South Asia (Bangladesh)
Year: 2011-2014
Client: IFAD
The National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) cofinanced by WB, IFAD and the national government had four components supporting extension, livestock, fishery, and value-chain development. The implementation support, supervision and technical assistance work focused on the value-chain development component and spanned three years through no. 6 implementation support and supervision missions including a Mid-Term Review (MTR) and an institutional assessment of the Horticulture Export Promotion Foundation (Hortex). Among others, such experiences allowed providing technical assistance to Hortex in enhancing their value-chain development effectiveness. An impact evaluation estimated that the project benefitted 1.2 million smallholders with a significant net income increase for those taking part to the value-chain development activities in a number of sub-Districts (Upzillas) nationwise.
Role: Value-Chain Development Expert
Region: South Asia (Bangladesh)
Year 2012
Client: World Bank (USAID)
In charge of the design of the value-chain component for the additional financing of the National Agricultural Technology Project (World Bank code P084078).
Role: Stakeholder facilitator and PSD expert
Region: Western Africa (Senegal)
Year: 2011
Client: World Bank (Finland)
The feasibility study for a national Agribusiness Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (AIEC) focused on business modelling, services, critical factors, location, target clients and stakeholders, governance, business plan and involvement of different stakeholders including MSME, private sector, national R&D centers and public specialized agencies. Services provided included stakeholder facilitation and design and analysis of a quantitative survey on agri-processing SME and licensed micro- entrepreneurs.
Role: SME Internationalization Expert
Region: Middle East North Africa (Tunisia)
Year: 2011
Client: CUOA Foundation (financed by MAECI)
Under the coordination of the Tunisian Export Promotion Center (CEPEX), a through analysis of trade and investment flows between Tunisia, Italy and the UEMOA region was carried out to identify high-potential industries and markets for joint Italian-Tunisian private sector investments.
Role: Evaluation manager and expert
Region: South East Asia (Vietnam),
Year: 2011
Client: WoDA Srl (AFD)
As Managing Director of WoDA Srl managed bidding proposal and was awarded an international tender by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) for the ex-post evaluation of the second phase of a 15-year financial sector reform program focused on non-banking financial sector such as securities and insurances. A team composed of national and international financial experts and economists was selected, hired and fielded. The evaluation gauged relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and additionality.
Role: PSD expert
Region: Middle East (Syria)
Year 2010
Client: MAECI
Design / formulation of the second phase of the Industrial Modernization and Upgrading Project Syria implemented by UNIDO and the Syrian Ministry of Industry, expanding the reach from textile to the agri-food industry.
Role: PSD Expert
Region: West Africa (Senegal)
Year 2008-2009-2010
Client: MAECI
Aimed at stimulating investment, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for the Senegalese diaspora in Italy and the entrepreneurs of Senegal, the designed project (Plateforme d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Privé et à la Valorisation de la diaspora Sénégalaise en Italie -PLASEPRI, in short-) provided an array of services conceived together with three Ministries: access to finance with different products capable to serve micro- enterprises by re-financing microfinance network portfolios and SME by on-lending to commercial banks and leasing companies through based on an inter-governmental soft-loan, which would re-lend to individual SME at facilitated conditions; technical assistance to beneficiary firms; and, calls for proposal for grants aimed at entrepreneurship and local development.
Role: Marketing Expert
Region: Middle East North Africa (Jordan) and Europe (United Kingdom)
Year: 2009
Client: Jordan Upgrading Modernization Project (financed by the European Commission)
The market study was requested by a Jordanian SME on highest potential EU markets for their product lines. A market analysis and a 110 respondent research were carried out in UK, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg to prioritize access markets and draft an access strategy.
Role: Team Leader And Value-Chain Development Expert
Region: Southern Africa (Mozambique)
Year: 2009
Client: MAECI
Team Leader of a Team of 12 international Agricultural Engineers, Forestry Engineers, Economists and Survey Enumerators, delivered a value-chain study of 6 aggregate agro-value-chains with a panel of 25 products (horticulture, oilseeds, dairy, poultry, timber). The study included the creation of a value-chain database including enterprise investment and dimensional data gathered through a questionnaire survey administered to 224 formal agricultural SMEs in three Provinces. The study provided the input for the formulation of a three-year rural development project.
Role: Lecturer
Region: Central America (Guatemala)
Year: 2007
Lecturer at training courses on laser technologies for SMEs - course for Regional Intermediary Organisations (Guatemala, Perù, Colombia, Panamà, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Republica Dominicana)
Role: PSD policy expert
Region: Europe (Russian Federation)
Year: 2008
Client: CUOA Foundation (European Union – Russian Federation Tacis Programme)
The policy project “Development of financial markets: support to state policy aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy” (EuropeAid/121435/C/SER/RU) included providing technical assistance to Federal and Regional authorities and development institutions in enhancing investment and investment-monitoring capacity for economic competitiveness. Services provided included (i) the coordination an international Team in the preparation of guidelines for the evaluation of national economy efficiency of investments of federal and regional development institutions in innovation, in consultation with Science and Technology Parks, R&D institutions, Academy of Science, private sector, regional government, regional development institutions and R&D funds; (ii) impact assessment on development institutions investments in inter-regional and inter-sectoral cluster formation; (iii) diagnostic on SME situation with central, regional Government, Chambers and firms, assessment of implications of quality difficulties in supplying to FDI.
Role: Team Leader and Feasibility Study Expert
Region: Southern Africa (Malawi)
Year: 2006
The coordination of a 9-member team led to a complete feasibility study on a national ICT telecentre infrastructure for rural communities, relying on an innovative gender- and age- sensitive quantitative methodology triangulated with participatory approaches that involved 700 community stakeholders and was published. The study included an investment business plan and was structured to be suitable for technical, informative and fundraising purposes. In 10 years, the Country established a network of more 50 telecentres nation-wise providing broadband service access to thousands in rural areas as well as small business development services.
Role: Investment Promotion and Coordination Support Consultant
Region: Europe (Italy)
Year: 2004-2005
Client: Sviluppo Italia Veneto Srl (now Invitalia)
After specific training in coordinated local development investment planning for FDI attraction, provided the national investment promotion/attraction programme with sector studies on strategic investment sectors (Machinery and ICT) in the Veneto Region, drafted an opportunity study for the expansion of a Science and Technology Park of Venice to include an ICT-focused wing, provided the Municipality of Venice with technical assistance for the establishment of two business incubators and a manual for the set-up and the start-up of SME incubators; supported the Agency in branch organisation, budgeting and work-planning.
Role: Value-Chain Investment Analyst
Region: Europe (Italy)
Year: 2004
Client: Progetto Verde Srl
The service rendered encompassed analyzing investments for the improvement of quality certification and marketing consortia in the framework of a joint inter-regional value-chain investment, to be financed by a public scheme for value-chain development (Contratti di Filiera) aimed at enhancing quality vs. volumes. The EUR 43 million investment plan aimed at benefitting 120 SME and a few typical origin protection consortia in three Italian regions: Veneto, Piedmont, Tuscany.