Role: FDI and domestic investment promotion expert
Region: Italy (Trieste)
Year: 2018-2020
Client: Area Science Park
The goal of ARGO, a multi-year programme, financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministry of Economic Development and the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia, is to build an open and inclusive innovation system that incorporates research and industry and brings economic development by coordinating the local high-tech R&D system with digitalization and high-end training in order to optimize resource use and attract domestic and foreign direct investments in new strategic projects based on a clear industrial development strategy. The programme has four components: Industrial innovation Harbour (port and industrial zone); High Impact Net (technopark, incubators and accelerators); Industry platform for digitalization (big data, IoT, advanced manufacturing solutions, data optimization and simulation); Technology platforms for applied and industrial research [open source description].
In the Industrial Innovation Harbour component, as a Consultant, my responsibilities include: 1) contributing models for the strategic planning of an Industrial Innovation Harbour including investments and based on the circular economy logic; 2) drafting the organizational model for and training personnel of a One Stop Shop to target and cater domestic or foreign direct investments.