Role: PSD Expert
Region: West Africa (Senegal)
Year 2008-2009-2010
Client: MAECI
Aimed at stimulating investment, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for the Senegalese diaspora in Italy and the entrepreneurs of Senegal, the designed project (Plateforme d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Privé et à la Valorisation de la diaspora Sénégalaise en Italie -PLASEPRI, in short-) provided an array of services conceived together with three Ministries: access to finance with different products capable to serve micro- enterprises by re-financing microfinance network portfolios and SME by on-lending to commercial banks and leasing companies based on an inter-governmental soft-loan, which would re-lend to individual SME at facilitated conditions; technical assistance to beneficiary firms; and, calls for proposal for grants aimed at entrepreneurship and local development.