Role: Team Leader
Region: Africa, Central America (Caribbean), Pacific (Asia)
Year: 2020-2021
Client: FAO
Economic, social and environmental analysis, action plan and investment plan for the development of two value-chains in two ACP Countries (ref. FISH4ACP project).
Role: RIS3 monitoring system researcher
Region: Italy
Year: 2021
Client: University of Padova
Role: Lecturer
Region: Italy
Year: 2014-2019
Client: University of Padua
Lecturer in intercultural management in business at six editions of the Master in International Business for SMEs of the Department of Management and Economics of the University of Padua.
Role: Team Leader
Region: MENA (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia)
Year: 2018-2019
Client: UNIDO
Team Leader of a team of seven National Experts in regional gender-sensitive value-chain mapping in seven countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia in the framework of the project “Promoting Women’s Empowerment (PWE) for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the MENA Region” (phase II).
Role: FDI and domestic investment promotion expert
Region: Italy (Trieste)
Year: 2018-2019
Client: Area Science Park
The goal of ARGO, a multi-year programme, financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Ministry of Economic Development and the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia, is to build an open and inclusive innovation system that incorporates research and industry and brings economic development by coordinating the local high-tech R&D system with digitalization and high-end training in order to optimize resource use and attract domestic and foreign direct investments in new strategic projects based on a clear industrial development strategy. The programme has four components: Industrial innovation Harbour (port and industrial zone); High Impact Net (technopark, incubators and accelerators); Industry platform for digitalization (big data, IoT, advanced manufacturing solutions, data optimization and simulation); Technology platforms for applied and industrial research [open source description].
In the Industrial Innovation Harbour component, as a Consultant, my responsibilities include: 1) contributing models for the strategic planning of an Industrial Innovation Harbour including investments and based on the circular economy logic; 2) drafting the organizational model for and training personnel of a One Stop Shop to target and cater domestic or foreign direct investments.
Role: PSD Policy and Feasibility Study Expert
Region: South East Asia (Vietnam)
Year: 2015
Client: Asian Development Bank
The ADB requested a through assessment of the potential for a national SME agglomeration policy (Corporate Synergy Systems) aimed at increasing inclusion of national SMEs in international value-chains and economy competitiveness through joint investments and collaboration with large enterprises. The assessment included regulatory framework, road map of achievements, comparative analysis of potential in 10 industries against different indicators, industry prioritization based on Input-Output national accounting tables forward- / backward-linkage industry assessment, involvement of national research centers, and benchmarking with international experiences. The assessment was completed with planning and budgeting.
Role: Stakeholder facilitator and PSD expert
Region: Western Africa (Senegal)
Year: 2011
Client: World Bank (Finland)
The feasibility study for a national Agribusiness Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (AIEC) focused on business modelling, services, critical factors, location, target clients and stakeholders, governance, business plan and involvement of different stakeholders including MSME, private sector, national R&D centers and public specialized agencies. Services provided included stakeholder facilitation and design and analysis of a quantitative survey on agri-processing SME and licensed micro- entrepreneurs.
Role: SME Internationalization Expert
Region: Middle East North Africa (Tunisia)
Year: 2011
Client: CUOA Foundation (financed by MAECI)
Under the coordination of the Tunisian Export Promotion Center (CEPEX), a through analysis of trade and investment flows between Tunisia, Italy and the UEMOA region was carried out to identify high-potential industries and markets for joint Italian-Tunisian private sector investments.
Role: PSD Expert
Region: West Africa (Senegal)
Year 2008-2009-2010
Client: MAECI
Aimed at stimulating investment, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities for the Senegalese diaspora in Italy and the entrepreneurs of Senegal, the designed project (Plateforme d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Privé et à la Valorisation de la diaspora Sénégalaise en Italie -PLASEPRI, in short-) provided an array of services conceived together with three Ministries: access to finance with different products capable to serve micro- enterprises by re-financing microfinance network portfolios and SME by on-lending to commercial banks and leasing companies through based on an inter-governmental soft-loan, which would re-lend to individual SME at facilitated conditions; technical assistance to beneficiary firms; and, calls for proposal for grants aimed at entrepreneurship and local development.
Role: PSD policy expert
Region: Europe (Russian Federation)
Year: 2008
Client: CUOA Foundation (European Union – Russian Federation Tacis Programme)
The policy project “Development of financial markets: support to state policy aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy” (EuropeAid/121435/C/SER/RU) included providing technical assistance to Federal and Regional authorities and development institutions in enhancing investment and investment-monitoring capacity for economic competitiveness. Services provided included (i) the coordination an international Team in the preparation of guidelines for the evaluation of national economy efficiency of investments of federal and regional development institutions in innovation, in consultation with Science and Technology Parks, R&D institutions, Academy of Science, private sector, regional government, regional development institutions and R&D funds; (ii) impact assessment on development institutions investments in inter-regional and inter-sectoral cluster formation; (iii) diagnostic on SME situation with central, regional Government, Chambers and firms, assessment of implications of quality difficulties in supplying to FDI.
Role: Investment Promotion and Coordination Support Consultant
Region: Europe (Italy)
Year: 2004-2005
Client: Sviluppo Italia Veneto Srl (now Invitalia)
After specific training in coordinated local development investment planning for FDI attraction, provided the national investment promotion/attraction programme with sector studies on strategic investment sectors (Machinery and ICT) in the Veneto Region, drafted an opportunity study for the expansion of a Science and Technology Park of Venice to include an ICT-focused wing, provided the Municipality of Venice with technical assistance for the establishment of two business incubators and a manual for the set-up and the start-up of SME incubators; supported the Agency in branch organisation, budgeting and work-planning.
Role: Investment Promotion Expert and Deputy Head of Investment Promotion Unit
Region: Middle East (Jordan)
Year: 2001-2003
Client: UNIDO (MAECI financing)
Long-term resident and International Expert of an investment promotion unit nested in the Jordan Investment Board, contributed to train local Investment Promotion Officers in dealing with the private sector, in selecting and communicating FDI and partnership opportunities to be promoted through a Mediterranean network of investment promotion offices and helped interested international investors with location and interaction support services. Helped 15 Jordanian SME to access a soft-loan-based credit line intermediated by commercial banks through business planning support that included strategic assessment, financial modelling (discounted cash flow) and bankable business plan preparation for investment financing. Supported the Central Bank of Jordan in monitoring performances of the credit line.
Policy Work, Studies, Project Cycle Management, Technical Assistance
Agglomeration, Innovation, Marketing, Access to Finance, Local Development, Investment Promotion, Gender
Europe and Central Asia, South East Asia and Pacific, South Asia, MENA, Sub-Saharian Africa, Latin America and Caribbean
Sustainable development goal:
No Poverty, Gender Equality, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequalities, Responsible Consumption and Production