Role: Rural Market Analyst
Region: Western Asia (Turkey)
Year: 2017
Client: IFAD
A market study was prepared on mountainous product value-chains in the framework of the design and formulation of a new project (Uplands Rural Development Project) aimed at retaining youth on mountainous areas. Together with conventional market study elements such as market channels, tradeable volumes and proposing a marketing strategy and responsibilities, the work encompassed a risk-assessment on typical smallholder mountainous produce based on historical demand-price curves by priority local commodity, a through analysis of organic agriculture potential and of applicability of quality certifications and branding.
Role: PSD Policy and Feasibility Study Expert
Region: South East Asia (Vietnam)
Year: 2015
Client: Asian Development Bank
The ADB requested a through assessment of the potential for a national SME agglomeration policy (Corporate Synergy Systems) aimed at increasing inclusion of national SMEs in international value-chains and economy competitiveness through joint investments and collaboration with large enterprises. The assessment included regulatory framework, road map of achievements, comparative analysis of potential in 10 industries against different indicators, industry prioritization based on Input-Output national accounting tables forward- / backward-linkage industry assessment, involvement of national research centers, and benchmarking with international experiences. The assessment was completed with planning and budgeting.
Role: Stakeholder facilitator and PSD expert
Region: Western Africa (Senegal)
Year: 2011
Client: World Bank (Finland)
The feasibility study for a national Agribusiness Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (AIEC) focused on business modelling, services, critical factors, location, target clients and stakeholders, governance, business plan and involvement of different stakeholders including MSME, private sector, national R&D centers and public specialized agencies. Services provided included stakeholder facilitation and design and analysis of a quantitative survey on agri-processing SME and licensed micro- entrepreneurs.
Role: Team Leader And Value-Chain Development Expert
Region: Southern Africa (Mozambique)
Year: 2009
Client: MAECI
Team Leader of a Team of 12 international Agricultural Engineers, Forestry Engineers, Economists and Survey Enumerators, delivered a value-chain study of 6 aggregate agro-value-chains with a panel of 25 products (horticulture, oilseeds, dairy, poultry, timber). The study included the creation of a value-chain database including enterprise investment and dimensional data gathered through a questionnaire survey administered to 224 formal agricultural SMEs in three Provinces. The study provided the input for the formulation of a three-year rural development project.
Role: Value-Chain Investment Analyst
Region: Europe (Italy)
Year: 2004
Client: Progetto Verde Srl
The service rendered encompassed analyzing investments for the improvement of quality certification and marketing consortia in the framework of a joint inter-regional value-chain investment, to be financed by a public scheme for value-chain development (Contratti di Filiera) aimed at enhancing quality vs. volumes. The EUR 43 million investment plan aimed at benefitting 120 SME and a few typical origin protection consortia in three Italian regions: Veneto, Piedmont, Tuscany.
Policy Work, Studies, Project Cycle Management, Technical Assistance
Agglomeration, Innovation, Marketing, Access to Finance, Local Development, Investment Promotion, Gender
Europe and Central Asia, South East Asia and Pacific, South Asia, MENA, Sub-Saharian Africa, Latin America and Caribbean
Sustainable development goal:
No Poverty, Gender Equality, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequalities, Responsible Consumption and Production